2011年3月28日 星期一

仿生研究&案例分析_by 邱鈺庭

Ayala Serfaty

Aqua Creations Uses Biomimicry to Design Lighting and Furniture

Biomimicry can be found in materials’ inherent properties, their shape, and their environmental impact. Examples of this are the spider web and its strength, a dolphin’s use of sonar to navigate, and in chromatophores, cells that contain pigments and are light reflective, which some reptiles and fish have which allow them to ‘change’ colors. A more commonly known phenomenon is fireflies and their ability to glow. This is called bioluminescence and is the genetic anomaly also found in marine life.

Designer-Artist, Ayala Serfaty and her photographer partner, husband, Albi Serfaty created a company that mimics marine life, uses natural materials, and brings sustainability technology to the forefront of light and furniture design. Aqua Creations opened in 1994 in Tel-Aviv, Israel and has grown to have a USA office in New York and products that are sold in companies in 29 countries.

Aqua Creations’ lighting and furniture lines are all hand-made and can be customized to be site specific. These lines include the Apaya Light and the Anana Chair which represent cellular life forms.  Some of the natural materials that are used in Serfaty’s designs are mohair, silk, angora felt, clay, and glass.

“Sensuality of materials and forms, as well as softness of light characterise and distinguish Aqua Creations on the current design scene.”

Jiong De Ho

Ask nature case
Exoskeleton adjusts: insects



Coat changes with the seasons: rock squirrel


物理與理論預測認為,動物皮毛或羽毛大衣可以獨立調整太陽能吸熱表面著色或環境因素,通過改變塗層的結構或頭髮光學性質。這種假設是通過檢查測試的季節性變化,太陽能熱負荷轉移到皮膚毛色的沙漠居住哺乳動物,岩石松鼠( 達烏爾斑 )。毛色雖然保持不變,太陽能熱增益低風速大約是20%以上,冬季比夏季外套大衣。這種變化顯然是一個適應性方向,預計將有重大影響動物的熱平衡的性質。的決定因素,這些改變的太陽能得熱進行了探索使用經驗驗證的生物物理模型,並發現產生變化,頭髮光學和大衣的結構。這些結果建議存在一個以前未知模式的長期調整,使體溫調節的太陽能得熱不影響動物的外觀。

